


The following are answers to common questions about reaching your educational goals at 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA). 如果您需要进一步的帮助,请联系您的 顾问.


Your assigned 顾问’s name and email address are listed in your MyService概要. 你可以 find your 顾问’s office location and phone extension on the 顾问 网页.
Yes, only students with more than 24 credit hours can self-register. Your 顾问 is there to help you understand COA’s policy and direct you to the resources that may help you.
你可以 和你的导师再确认一下, print out a curriculum guide on the program of study 网页 or 转到MyService 点击学生计划查看你的学业进度. It’s important to use your catalog of record (the official catalog you began with for your current program of study) to evaluate your progress toward completing your degree. 例如, 如果你是从2011年秋天开始的, you would use the 2011 to 2013 catalog as your catalog of record.
The Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science degree programs are articulated curriculum through the 全面衔接协议CAA (PDF) with the University of North Carolina and certain private North Carolina colleges. The classes required for those degree programs are transferable and are listed on the CAA course list, 可在我们的 学术目录.

看到你的 顾问 首先,然后提交一个 学生资料更改表格(PDF), available online or at any campus Student Success Office. 换专业的时候, you’ll be subject to the requirements listed in the college catalog or the catalog of record at the time of the change. To discuss the effects of changing your major, 请联系您的指导老师 and a 金融援助 辅导员.


在COA主修双专业需要批准. 请 联系你的导师 了解更多信息.
Yes, you’ll be reassigned to an 顾问 who teaches or advises students in your new program of study.
You should first ask your 教练 to help you identify challenges and provide suggestions for improving your performance. 辅导可以在 学术支持中心. If you still need to speak with someone else about any problems you’re having, 请联系您的指导老师.

这取决于你什么时候停止参加. 你可以使用 MyService删除一个类 在学期开始之前. If you withdraw after the first day but before the 10 percent completion point of the class (generally the first eight days of a 16-week semester), 你需要向学校提交一份注册变更表 司法常务官办公室 或学生成功事务处. The 10 percent completion point is different depending on whether you’re in an eight-, 12或16周的学期课程. If you withdraw or drop within the 10 percent completion point, the class won’t appear on your transcript and you may be eligible for a 75 percent tuition refund.

If you stop attending after the ten percent completion point and before the withdrawal deadline (the last day to withdraw and receive a W), you’ll need to submit a class withdrawal form and a W will appear on your transcript.

Your 教练 may award a grade of F after the withdrawal deadline.

Don’t assume COA will withdraw you automatically if you stop attending class. If the class withdrawal form is not submitted by the published deadline, 你得去见班主任, 老师会给你打分.

The registration change and class withdrawal forms are available from your 顾问, 教练, 网上也有 学术咨询表格和资源网页.

If you need to withdraw totally from COA for medical or other reasons, 请联系你的顾问和财政援助办公室.

You’ll need to have an official transcript sent from your previous institution directly to COA’s 司法常务官办公室, 或者你自己用密封的信封投递成绩单. Your course work will be evaluated based on your major at COA, and you’ll be awarded transfer credit for courses applicable to that major. 一门可转学的课程, you’ll need to have earned a C or better from an accredited college or university, and the course will need to be equivalent in content to a COA course. You may transfer in a maximum of 75 percent of credits toward an associate degree program at COA.
COA allows you to repeat a class more than once for any reason. 所有的尝试和成绩都会显示在你的成绩单上, but only the highest grade will be used in calculating your cumulative grade-point average (GPA).
If you’re a former COA student who’s experienced a lapse of enrollment for a period of two consecutive academic years, you may petition the vice president of Learning (only once) to have all course work not related to a new program of study, 或任何低于平均水平的成绩(D或F), 在计算你的GPA时被忽略. 失效后重新注册时, you’ll first need to complete 12 semester hours of non-developmental course work with a minimum 2.在申请成绩豁免之前,平均绩点为0. 如果请求被批准, the record of the affected earlier course work will remain on your transcript but won’t be calculated in the cumulative GPA or apply toward graduation. Honors, if applicable, will be awarded based upon the new GPA. Eligibility for 金融援助 is not subject to fresh start calculations.
查看我们的 学术目录 to review COA’s academic and other policies relative to your program of study.

The ultimate decision about the direction to take with your education and career is up to you, but a number of career resources are available to help you understand your options. 具体请访问职业轨迹网页, 最新的职业信息,包括就业前景, 工资, 能力需求, 职责描述和薪资预期. Counselors and 顾问 are available to help you use these resources to clarify your goals, 兴趣和能力领域.
